Newton Farm ASC
We are an After School Care service registered for 80 children per day and are based within the largest primary school within our local authority.
Basic registration for our service used to be on Jotform platform and it is less comprehensive than Cheqdin meaning that we had to manually input additional information. Often there would be important information missed but the Cheqdin registration form covers everything.
When invoicing became part of the Cheqdin software it saved me at least eight hours of labour every month. I used to spend the day doing invoicing and now it can take as little as five minutes. This leaves me with more time to spend in the service with children and staff. New parents who have never used a childcare setting are also impressed at how they can receive a notification when they’re child has been collected from school by us and checked in to the service. It provides peace of mind in this new stage of their child’s development.
The Cheqdin Ad Hoc facility is a big hit with our parents who work shifts, all other local childcare settings do not offer this facility and it’s become one of our unique selling points to this demographic.
As a technophobe running a small business, I am very grateful for the constant support that we receive from Claire our Cheqdin Support Advisor. Claire is extremely good in talking us through new tasks, or tasks that we only do annually. Claire is always on hand for the forgotten methods and or the new methods that come with a software update and we look forward to the newest big update due soon.